Bridetherium dorisae Clemens 2011 (mammaliaform)

Osteichthyes - Morganucodonta

Full reference: W. A. Clemens. 2011. New morganucodontans from an Early Jurassic fissure filling in Wales (united Kingdom). Palaeontology 54(5):1139-1156

Belongs to Bridetherium according to W. A. Clemens 2011

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: BMNH M45693, a tooth (left lower mesial molariform). Its type locality is Pant 4 (St. Bride's Island), which is in a Hettangian/Sinemurian fissure fill limestone/marl in the United Kingdom.

Ecology: scansorial insectivore

Distribution: found only at Pant 4 (St. Bride's Island)

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