Family Polychelidae Wood-Mason 1875 (decapod)
Malacostraca - Decapoda - Polychelidae
Parent taxon: Eryonoidea according to R. M. Feldmann et al. 2013
See also Schweitzer and Feldmann 2001, Schweitzer et al. 2010 and Schweitzer and Feldmann 2023
Sister taxa: Coleiidae, Eryonidae, Palaeopentachelidae, Tetrachelidae, Tricarinidae
Subtaxa: Antarcticheles Palaeopolycheles Pentacheles Polycheles Tauricheles Willemoesia Willemoesiocaris Woodwardicheles
Ecology: semi-infaunal carnivore
• Jurassic of Antarctica (2 collections), France (1)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence