Discoserra pectinodon Lund 2000 (ray-finned fish)

Osteichthyes - Guildayichthyiformes - Guildayichthyidae

Full reference: R. Lund. 2000. The new Actinopterygian order Guildayichthyiformes from the Lower Carboniferous of Montana (USA). Geodiversitas 22(2):171-206

Belongs to Discoserra according to R. Lund 2000

See also Cloutier and Arratia 2004

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: CM 30621, a skeleton. Its type locality is Bear Gulch Limestone Lens, which is in an Arnsbergian open shallow subtidal limestone in the Heath Formation of Montana.



• Carboniferous of United States (7: Montana collections)

Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence

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