Family Stylotermitidae Holmgren and Holmgren 1917 (termite)

Insecta - Blattodea - Stylotermitidae

Alternative spelling: Stylotermitinae

Parent taxon: Neoisoptera according to K. Krishna et al. 2013

See also Engel 2011, Engel et al. 2009, Fontes and Vulcano 1998, Nel and Paicheler 1993 and Snyder 1949

Sister taxa: Archeorhinotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae

Subtaxa: Parastylotermes Prostylotermes Stylotermes

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• Miocene of United States (4: California, Washington collections)

• Eocene of India (1), the Russian Federation (1), Ukraine (3)

Total: 9 collections including 10 occurrences

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