Insecta - Psocodea - Amphientomidae
Full reference: F. J. Pictet. 1854. Classe insectes. Traité de Paléontologie: ou, Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Fossiles Considérés dans Leurs Rapports Zoologiques et Géologiques 2:301-405
Belongs to Amphientomum according to G. Enderlein 1911
See also Hagen 1865, Hagen 1866, Hagen 1882, Pictet 1854 and Pictet and Hagen 1856
Sister taxa: Amphientomum colpolepis, Amphientomum knorrei, Amphientomum leptolepis, Amphientomum parisiensis
Type specimen: Its type locality is Baltic Amber, Berendt collection, which is in a Priabonian terrestrial amber in Poland
• Eocene of Poland (1 collection), the Russian Federation (4)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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