Family Amphientomidae Kolbe 1883 (tropical barklouse)

Insecta - Psocodea - Amphientomidae

Alternative spelling: Amphientomini

Synonym: Arcantipsocidae Azar et al. 2009

Full reference: H. J. Kolbe. 1883. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Psociden der Bernstein -Fauna. Entomologische Zeitung 44:186-191

Parent taxon: Amphientomoidea according to E. L. Mockford et al. 2013

See also Azar et al. 2009, Carpenter 1992, Lienhard and Smithers 2002 and Nel et al. 2005

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Amphientominae Arcantipsocus Proamphientomum

View classification

Type: Amphientomum



• Quaternary of Tanzania (1 collection)

• Miocene of Mexico (2)

• Eocene of France (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (4)

• Cretaceous of France (1), the Russian Federation (1)

Total: 11 collections including 15 occurrences

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