Family Euphaeidae Jacobson and Bianchi 1905 (damselfly)
Insecta - Odonata - Euphaeidae
Alternative spelling: Euphaeinae
Synonym: Epallagidae Needham 1903
Parent taxon: Calopterygoidea according to A. Nel 2020
See also Bechly 2007, Carpenter 1992, Fraser 1955, Handlirsch 1906 and Nel and Paicheler 1993
Sister taxa: Calopterygidae, Chlorocyphidae, Hypolestidae, Polythoridae, Protothore
Subtaxa: Eodichromatinae Epallage Epallaginae Epallagites Euphaea Euphaeinae Indophaea
Type: Euphaea
Ecology: fast-moving volant carnivore-insectivore