Family Perlodidae Klapalek 1912 (perlodid stonefly)

Insecta - Plecoptera - Perlodidae

Alternative spelling: Perladidae

Parent taxon: Perloidea according to C. Jouault et al. 2021

See also Carpenter 1992, Haupt 1956, Sinitshenkova 1987, Sinitshenkova 1990, Sinitshenkova 1992, Sroka et al. 2018 and Zwick 2000

Sister taxa: Chloroperlidae, Perlidae

Subtaxa: Derancheperla Isoperlinae Isoperlodes Perlodes

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Ecology: volant detritivore-omnivore


• Pliocene of Japan (1 collection)

• Eocene of Poland (2), the Russian Federation (1)

• Cretaceous of Mongolia (1), the Russian Federation (1)

Total: 6 collections including 8 occurrences

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