Malacostraca - Decapoda - Goneplacidae
Full reference: R. M. Feldmann and P. A. Maxwell. 1990. Late Eocene decapod Crustacea from north Westland, South Island, New Zealand. Journal of Paleontology 64(5):779-797
Belongs to Carcinoplax according to C. E. Schweitzer et al. 2010
See also Feldmann and Keys 1992 and Feldmann and Maxwell 1990
Sister taxa: Carcinoplax antiqua, Carcinoplax granulimana, Carcinoplax imperfecta, Carcinoplax jonica, Carcinoplax longimana, Carcinoplax mongosungi, Carcinoplax prepurpurea, Carcinoplax prisca, Carcinoplax proavita, Carcinoplax purpurea, Carcinoplax shukumi, Carcinoplax thongi, Carcinoplax tsengi, Carcinoplax wuhsini, Curtonotus antiquus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Te Miko (Unit 2), which is in a Kaiatan offshore sandstone in the Island Sandstone Formation of New Zealand
Ecology: epifaunal carnivore
Distribution: found only at Te Miko (Unit 2)
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