Malacostraca - Decapoda - Goneplacidae
Full reference: W. S. MacLeay. 1838. On the Brachyurous Decapod Crustacea brought from the Cape by Dr. Smith. In Illustrations of the Annulosa of South Africa; being a portion of the objects of Natural History chiefly collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa, under the direction of Dr. Andrew Smith, in the years 1834, 1835, and 1836; fitted out by "The Cape of Good Hope Association for Exploring Central Africa". 53-71
Parent taxon: Goneplacoidea according to C. E. Schweitzer et al. 2022
See also Collins et al. 2003, Feldmann et al. 1995, Feldmann and Keys 1992, Feldmann et al. 2003, Jenkins 1975, Karasawa 1992, Karasawa and Schweitzer 2006, Rathbun 1918, Rathbun 1926, Schweitzer 2001, Schweitzer 2005, Schweitzer and Feldmann 2001, Schweitzer and Feldmann 2002, Schweitzer et al. 2004, Schweitzer et al. 2006, Schweitzer et al. 2007, Schweitzer et al. 2010, Schweitzer and Karasawa 2004, Squires 1984 and Vega et al. 2001
Sister taxa: Acidopsidae, Carinocarcinoididae, Chasmocarcinidae, Conleyidae, Euryplacidae, Litocheiridae, Magyarcarcinidae, Martinocarcinidae, Mathildellidae, Progeryonidae, Scalopidiidae, Vultocinidae
Subtaxa: Albaidaplax Amydrocarcinus Astiplax Carcinoplacinae Carcinoplax Carinocarcinoidinae Entricoplax Euryplacinae Goneplacinae Goneplax Kowaicarcinus Mathildellinae Neogoneplax Ommatocarcinus Psopheticus
Type: Goneplax
Ecology: epifaunal carnivore
• Quaternary of Italy (8 collections), the Philippines (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Italy (2)
• Pliocene of Australia (1), Italy (3), Japan (9), New Zealand (1)
• Miocene of Australia (13), Italy (3), Japan (22), Malaysia (1), New Zealand (2), Spain (1)
• Eocene of Antarctica (1), Mexico (2), New Zealand (1)
• Paleogene of Mexico (1)
Total: 72 collections including 75 occurrences