†unranked clade Geikiidae Nopcsa 1923 (therapsid)

Osteichthyes - Anomodontia - Cryptodontidae

Full reference: B. F. Nopcsa. 1923. Die Familien der Reptilien [The families of reptiles]. Forschritte der Geologie und Palaeontologie. Verlag von Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin 2:1-210

Parent taxon: Cryptodontia according to C. F. Kammerer and K. D. Angielczyk 2009

See also Maisch and Gebauer 2005 and Nopcsa 1923

Sister taxa: Daqingshanodon, Keyseria, Oudenodontidae, Rhachiocephalidae

Subtaxa: Aulacocephalodontinae Bulbasaurus Geikiinae Idelesaurus Odontocyclops

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Ecology: herbivore


• Permian of the Russian Federation (1 collection), South Africa (34), Tanzania (1), the United Kingdom (1), Zambia (6)

Total: 43 collections including 46 occurrences

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