†Probassariscus matthewi Merriam 1911 (procyonid carnivore)
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Mammalia - Carnivora - Procyonidae
Alternative combination: Probassariscus antiquus matthewi
Synonym: Rhapsodus tedfordi Linares 1981
Belongs to Probassariscus according to J. A. Baskin 2004
See also Baskin 1989
Sister taxa: none
Type specimens:
- Probassariscus matthewi: UCMP 12539, a mandible (right mandible with broken p4, m1, and m2)
- Rhapsodus tedfordi: F:AM 49102, a mandible (left and right mandibles). Its type locality is Observation Quarry, which is in a Barstovian terrestrial horizon in Nebraska.
Ecology: scansorial frugivore-carnivore
Distribution: found only at Observation Quarry (Miocene of Nebraska)
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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