Reptilia - Testudinata - Helochelydridae
Alternative combinations: Compsemys bakewelli, Tretosternum bakewelli, Trionyx bakewelli
Full reference: G. A. Mantell. 1833. The Geology of the South-East of England xix-415
Belongs to Helochelydra according to W. G. Joyce 2017
See also Delair 1958, Joyce et al. 2011, Lydekker 1889, Mantell 1833, Milner 2004 and Milner 2011
Sister taxa: Helochelydra anglica, Helochelydra nopcsai
Type specimen: BMNH 2265, a carapace (isolated costal bone). Its type locality is Tilgate Forest, Cuckfield, which is in a Valanginian terrestrial sandstone in the Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation of the United Kingdom.
• Cretaceous of the United Kingdom (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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