Insecta - Coleoptera - Phoroschizidae
Full reference: A. V. Martynov. 1926. K Poznaniyu Iskopaemykh Nasekomykh Yurskikh Slantsev Turkestana. 5. O Nekotorykh Formakh Zhukov (Coleoptera) [ To the knowledge of fossil insects from Jurassic beds in Turkestan 5. On some interesting Coleoptera]. Ezhegodnik Russkogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshestva 5(1):1-39
Belongs to Tersus according to A. V. Martynov 1926
Sister taxa: Tersus crowsoni, Tersus karatavicus, Tersus kobdoensis, Tersus leptocerus, Tersus minor
Type specimen: Its type locality is Galkino, East Karatau (PIN collection 965), which is in a Callovian/Oxfordian lacustrine - large siltstone in the Karabastau Formation of Kazakhstan
Distribution: found only at Galkino, East Karatau (PIN collection 965)
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