Pseudoeucyrtis cylindrata Hori 1999 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Eucyrtidiidae

Full reference: N. Hori. 1999. Latest Jurassic radiolarians from the northeastern part of the Torinoko Block, Yamizo Mountains, central Japan. Science Reports of the Institute of Geoscience University of Tsukuba, Section B: Geological Sciences 20:47-114

Belongs to Pseudoeucyrtis according to N. Hori 1999

Sister taxa: Pseudoeucyrtis angusta, Pseudoeucyrtis fullerensis, Pseudoeucyrtis levis, Pseudoeucyrtis paskentaensis, Pseudoeucyrtis reticularis, Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis, Protokatroma aquila

Type specimen: Its type locality is YTZ-L, Torinoko Block, which is in a Tithonian marine shale in Japan

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Jurassic of Japan (12 collections)

Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence

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