Protozoa - Nassellaria - Eucyrtidiidae
Synonym: Protokatroma Carter et al. 1998
Parent taxon: Eucyrtidiidae according to P. De Wever et al. 2001
See also Kiessling 1999, O'Dogherty et al. 2009 and Yeh and Cheng 1998
Sister taxa: Artocapsa, Artophormis, Buryella, Calocyclas, Calocycloma, Clathrocycloma, Cymaetron, Cyrtocapsa, Cyrtocapsella, Eostichomitra, Eucyrtidium, Gigi, Guexella, Lantus, Lithopera, Milax, Phalangites, Phormocyrtis, Schaumellus, Solenotryma, Stichocapsa, Stichocorys, Stichomitra, Vistularia
Subtaxa: Protokatroma aquila Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Pseudoeucyrtis cylindrata Pseudoeucyrtis fullerensis Pseudoeucyrtis levis Pseudoeucyrtis paskentaensis Pseudoeucyrtis reticularis Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore
• Cretaceous of Albania (3 collections), Antarctica (1), Azerbaijan (3), Greece (2), Italy (50), Oman (6), the Philippines (1), United States (10: California)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Italy (1)
• Jurassic of Antarctica (8), Canada (38: British Columbia), Indonesia (1), Italy (16), Japan (17), Mexico (4), Oman (2), the Philippines (3), the Russian Federation (3), Spain (2), Switzerland (2), Turkey (13), United States (2: California)
Total: 188 collections including 303 occurrences
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