†family Arthrolycosidae Fritsch 1904 (spider)
Arachnida - Araneae - Arthrolycosidae
Full reference: A. Fritsch. 1904. Palaeozoische Arachniden 1-85
Parent taxon: Mesothelae according to P. A. Selden 2021
See also Dunlop et al. 2013, Eskov and Selden 2005 and Selden et al. 2014
Sister taxa: Arthromygalidae, Burmathelidae, Cretaceothelidae, Eolycosa, Eomesothelidae, Liphistiidae, Palaeothelidae, Parvithelidae
Subtaxa: Arthrolycosa Protolycosa
Type: Arthrolycosa
• Permian of the Russian Federation (1 collection)
• Carboniferous of France (1), Germany (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (2), the United Kingdom (1), United States (3: Illinois, New Mexico)
Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence