†Aechminella buchanani Harlton 1933 (ostracod)
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Ostracoda - Palaeocopida - Aechminellidae
Full reference: B. H. Harlton. 1933. Micropaleontology of the Pennsylvanian Johns Valley shale of the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma, and its relationship to the Mississippian Caney shale. Journal of Paleontology 7(1):3-29
Belongs to Aechminella according to B. H. Harlton 1933
Sister taxa: Aechminella bella, Aechminella trispinosa, Balantoides trilobata
Type specimen: USNM 85545. Its type locality is Johns Valley Shale, Ouachita Mountains loc. 5, which is in a Bashkirian marine shale in the Johns Valley Formation of Oklahoma.
Ecology: epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Johns Valley Shale, Ouachita Mountains loc. 5
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