†Barinya wangala Wroe 1999 (marsupial)
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Mammalia - Dasyuromorphia - Dasyuridae
Full reference: S. Wroe. 1999. The geologically oldest dasyurid, from the Miocene of Riversleigh, North-West Queensland. Palaeontology 42(3):501-527
Belongs to Barinya according to S. Wroe 1999
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: QM F31408, a skull (Nearly complete skull, with only the right ectotympanic, most of the right and left alisphenoid tympanic wings and the anteriormost tips of the nasals missing). Its type locality is Neville's Garden Site, which is in a Burdigalian terrestrial horizon in Australia.
Ecology: scansorial insectivore-carnivore
• Miocene of Australia (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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