Family Dasyuridae Goldfuss 1820 (marsupial)
Mammalia - Dasyuromorphia - Dasyuridae
Parent taxon: Dasyuroidea according to S. Wroe 1996
See also Bonaparte 1850, Cope 1889, Dawson et al. 1999, Flower 1883, Gadow 1898, Krajewski et al. 1992, Lundelius and Turnbull 1973, Macken and Reed 2013, Marshall 1974, McKenna and Bell 1997, Nowak 1991, Springer et al. 1994 and Wilson and Reeder 2005
Sister taxa: Ganbulanyi, Mayigriphus, Thylacinidae
Subtaxa: Barinyainae Dasyurinae Glaucodon Murexia Muricinae Ningaui Paracyon Phascogalinae Phascolosorexinae Phascolosoricinae Planigalinae Sminthopsinae
Ecology: scansorial insectivore-carnivore