Full reference: G. J. Prideaux. 2004. Systematics and evolution of the sthenurine kangaroos. UC Publications in Geological Sciences, University of California Press 146:1-623
Belongs to Procoptodon according to G. J. Prideaux 2004
Sister taxa: Procoptodon browneorum, Procoptodon gilli, Procoptodon mccoyi, Procoptodon oreas, Procoptodon otuel, Procoptodon pusio, Procoptodon rapha
Type specimen: SAM P25059, a maxilla (left maxillary fragment containing P3, M1-4). Its type locality is Malkuni Waterhole, which is in a Pleistocene terrestrial horizon in the Katipiri Formation of Australia.
Ecology: scansorial omnivore
• Quaternary of Australia (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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