Generic description: Palynomorphs with an ellipsoidal or subhemispherical body, usually longer than high, having on the distal surface one or more large, prominent horns or sheet-like flaps and on the proximal surface a narrow slit-like or elliptical aperture extending the full length of the body or nearly so. The body is encircled by a zona or band that is continuous or interrupted, of constant or variable width, situated equatorially or proximally with respect to the body, and generally lies in a plane. In one species the zona, as seen in lateral view, is arcuate with its projection across the narrow ends of the body arched distally. Body wall consists of a single layer over all or most of the body; proximal portion two-layered in one species. Body smooth or variously ornamented; granulate or spinate in known species. Zona, bands, horns and distal flaps smooth or granular on the surface; solid; generally, with a textured core and a much thinner, homogeneous, untextured superficial layer. The textured and untextured parts do not constitute separate and distinct wall layers such as the sexine-nexine wall layering of many pollen grains. Over-all size less than 100 microns.
Full reference: L. E. Stover. 1963. Some Middle Cretaceous Palynomorphs from West Africa. Micropaleontology 9(1):85-94
Parent taxon: Gymnospermophyta according to L. E. Stover 1963
Sister taxa: Accintisporites, Alisporites, Allicospermum, Amdrupia, Antarcticoxylon, Ashmoripollis, Cedripites, Cerebropollenites, Cycadinoxylon, Darneya, Decussosporites, Dinophyton, Eddya, Embergerixylon, Enzonalasporites, Exesipollenites, Falcisporites, Gnetaceaepollenites, Indusiisporites, Ktalenia, Lagenospermopsida, Lasiostrobus, Lobatoxylon, Majsassia, Menaispermae, Minutosaccus, Paradoxoxylon, Parataxopitys, Parcisporites, Perinopollenites, Pilasporites, Protocircoporoxylon, Protopitys, Protopolyporoxylon, Prototaxodioxylon, Pteridospermaexylon, Pteridospermopsida, Reticulopitys, Rugubivesiculites, Scotoxylon, Shanbeipollenites, Sofrepites, Solenopitys, Solenoxylon, Squamae, Striomonosaccites, Svalbardoxylon, Taeniopitys, Taxacites, Tordoxylon, Trisocladus, Tungussocarpus, Yezonia, Yorkoxylon, Zonallapollenites
Subtaxa: Galeacornea causea Galeacornea clavis Galeacornea crassatus Galeacornea guayaguensis
Type: Galeacornea clavis
• Cretaceous of Argentina (1 collection), the Bahamas (2), Brazil (30), Egypt (5), Guinea-Bissau (1), Morocco (1), Nigeria (26), Peru (2), Senegal (2)
Total: 70 collections including 94 occurrences
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