†family Globauridae Longrich et al. 2012 (squamates)

Reptilia - Squamata - Globauridae

Full reference: N. R. Longrich, B.-A. S. Bhullar, and J. A. Gauthier. 2012. Mass extinction of lizards and snakes at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(52):21396-21401

Parent taxon: Scincomorpha according to N. R. Longrich et al. 2012

Sister taxa: Apsgnathus, Balnealacerta, Becklesisaurus, Bellairsia, Bothriagenys, Calanguban, Carusiidae, Chromatogenys, Contogeniidae, Cordyloidea, Eoxantidae, Gilmoreteiidae, Hugueneysaurus, Kleskunsaurus, Lonchisaurus, Monocnemodon, Polyglyphanodontia, Slavoiidae, Sepsidae, Chalcidae

Subtaxa: Contogenys Khereidia

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• Paleocene of United States (3: Colorado, Montana collections)

• Cretaceous of Canada (1: Saskatchewan), India (1), Mongolia (1), Romania (1), United States (8: Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)

Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence

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