†subfamily Tenrecinae Gray 1821 (tenrec)

Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Tenrecidae

Synonyms: Centetina Bonaparte 1838, Echinogalinae Murray 1866

Parent taxon: Tenrecidae according to D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder 2005

See also Van Valen 1967

Sister taxa: Arenagale, Echinops, Geogale, Geogalinae, Limnogale, Microgale, Ndamathaia, Oryzorictinae, Potamogalinae, Promicrogale, Protenrecinae, Setifer, Sperrgale, Tenrec, Centetinae

Subtaxa: Dasogale Hemicentetes

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Ecology: ground dwelling insectivore-carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Tenrecinae in the database

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