Mammalia - Rodentia - Neoepiblemidae
Synonym: Dabbenea pattersoni Mones 1980
Full reference: P. Bondesio and J. Bocquentin Villanueva. 1988. Novedosos restos de Neoepiblemidae (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) del Mioceno tardio de Venezuela. Inferencias paleoambientales. Ameghiniana 25(1):31-37
Belongs to Phoberomys according to P. Bondesio and J. Bocquentin Villanueva 1988
See also Mones 1980 and Negri and Ferigolo 1999
Sister taxa: Phoberomys bordasi, Phoberomys burmeisteri, Phoberomys gyulavarii, Dabbenea minima, Dabbenea lozanoi, Dabbenea insolita
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Huayquerian of Venezuela (1 collection)
• Miocene of Venezuela (4)
Total: 5 collections including 6 occurrences
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