Plesiowensus Lieberman 1994 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Proetida - Proetidae

Full reference: B. S. Lieberman. 1994. Evolution of the trilobite subfamily Proetinae Salter, 1864, and the origin, diversification, evolutionary affinity, and extinction of the Middle Devonian proetid fauna of eastern North America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 223:1-176

Parent taxon: Proetidae according to B. S. Lieberman 1994

Sister taxa: Aayemenaytcheia, Astycoryphinae, Ceratoproetus, Chuanoproetus, Cornuproetinae, Crassiproetinae, Dechenellinae, Drevermanniinae, Eodrevermanniinae, Hypaproetus, Lauchellum, Merebolina, Mirabolinae, Oidalaproetus, Ormistonia, Panibole, Paryfenus, Perliproetinae, Phaseolops, Phyllaspis, Prodiacoryphe, Proetidellinae, Proetinae, Schaderthalaspis, Silesiops, Sinobole, Triproetus, Warburgellinae, Xenocybe, Yanshanaspis, Yichangaspis

Subtaxa: Plesiowensus obconicus

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Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder


• Silurian of Sweden (1 collection), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (2)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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