Trilobita - Proetida - Proetidae
Alternative spelling: Dechenellidae
Synonym: Schizoproetinae Yolkin 1968
Parent taxon: Proetidae according to A. P. Van Viersen and H. Prescher 2008
See also Ormiston 1976, Pillet 1972 and Zhou et al. 2000
Sister taxa: Aayemenaytcheia, Astycoryphinae, Ceratoproetus, Chuanoproetus, Cornuproetinae, Crassiproetinae, Drevermanniinae, Eodrevermanniinae, Hypaproetus, Lauchellum, Merebolina, Mirabolinae, Oidalaproetus, Ormistonia, Panibole, Paryfenus, Perliproetinae, Phaseolops, Phyllaspis, Plesiowensus, Prodiacoryphe, Proetidellinae, Proetinae, Schaderthalaspis, Silesiops, Sinobole, Triproetus, Warburgellinae, Xenocybe, Yanshanaspis, Yichangaspis
Subtaxa: Basidechenella Borealia Camsellia Chauffouraspis Clavibole Cyberella Cyrtodechenella Dechenella Deltadechenella Elegenodechenella Flexidechenella Fuscinipyge Humeia Ormistoniella Otodechenella Paradechenella Pedinodechenella Schizoproetoides Schizoproetus Xenodechenella
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder
• Carboniferous of United States (1: Indiana collection)
• Devonian of Belgium (9), Bolivia (1), Canada (67: British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Yukon), China (8), Colombia (1), the Czech Republic (2), France (11), Germany (44), Italy (1), Japan (1), Morocco (3), New Zealand (2), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (2), South Africa (4), United States (57: Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania), Vietnam (1)
• Silurian to Devonian of United States (1: Oklahoma)
• Silurian of Canada (2: Northwest Territories)
Total: 220 collections including 279 occurrences