†Pachydon erectum Conrad 1871 (clam)
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Bivalvia - Pholadida - Corbulidae
Full reference: T. A. Conrad. 1871. Descriptions of new fossil shells of the upper Amazon. American Journal of Conchology 6:192-198
Belongs to Pachydon according to T. A. Conrad 1871
Sister taxa: Pachydon altus, Pachydon amazonensis, Pachydon andersonae, Pachydon carinatus, Pachydon cebada, Pachydon cuneatus, Pachydon ellipticus, Pachydon hettneri, Pachydon iquitensis, Pachydon ledaeformis, Pachydon maaikeae, Pachydon obliquus, Pachydon ovatus, Pachydon telliniformis, Pachydon tenuis, Pachydon trigonalis
Ecology: stationary infaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Pachydon erectum in the database
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