Reptilia - Ornithischia - Ceratopsidae
Full reference: N. R. Longrich. 2013. Judiceratops tigris, a new horned dinosaur from the middle Campanian Judith River Formation of Montana. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 54(1):51-65
Belongs to Judiceratops according to N. R. Longrich 2013
See also Lund et al. 2016 and Mallon et al. 2016
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: YPM VPPU 022404, a partial skull (Partial skull including postorbital horns, parts of the frontals, prefrontals, and lacrimals, parts of right squamosal and parietals, occipital condyle and part). Its type locality is UCMP V83125, Skull Crest, which is in a Campanian terrestrial mudstone/sandstone in the Judith River Formation of Montana.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
Distribution: found only at UCMP V83125, Skull Crest
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