Leptorhynchos elegans Parks 1933 (maniraptoran)

Reptilia - Theropoda - Caenagnathidae

Full reference: W. A. Parks. 1933. New species of dinosaurs and turtles from the Upper Cretaceous formations of Alberta. University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series 34:1-33

Belongs to Leptorhynchos according to G. F. Funston et al. 2016

Sister taxon: Leptorhynchos gaddisi

Type specimen: ROM 781, a set of limb elements (Tarsometatarsus). Its type locality is Little Sandhill Creek (ROM), which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Dinosaur Park Formation of Canada.

Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore


• Cretaceous of Canada (5: Alberta collections)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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