Cochilius fumensis Simpson 1932 (notoungulate)

Mammalia - Notoungulata - Interatheriidae

Full reference: G. G. Simpson. 1932. New or little-known ungulates from the Pyrotherium and Colpodon beds of Patagonia. American Museum Novitates 576

Belongs to Cochilius according to G. G. Simpson 1932

Sister taxa: Cochilius brevirostrus, Cochilius minor, Cochilius volvens

Type specimen: AMNH 29551, a partial skull (Partial skull and lower jaws with dentition nearly complete). Its type locality is Cerro del Humo (Deseadan), which is in a Deseadan terrestrial horizon in Argentina.

Ecology: scansorial herbivore

Distribution: found only at Cerro del Humo (Deseadan)

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