Lingulata - Lingulida - Lingulidae
Alternative combinations: Lingula borealis, Trentingula borealis
Full reference: A. Bittner. 1899. Versteinerungen aus den Trias-Ablagerungen des Süd-Ussuri Gebietes in der ostsibirischen Küstenprovinz [Fossils of the Triassic deposits of the southern Ussuri region in the eastern Siberian coastal province]. Trudy Geologicheskago Komiteta 7(4):1-35
Belongs to Lingularia according to W. H. He et al. 2019
See also Dagys 1965, Hofmann 2013, Hofmann et al. 2013, Liao 1980, Newell and Kummel 1942, Popov 2009, Posenato 2016, Posenato et al. 2014 and Rowell 1970
Sister taxa: Lingularia krausei, Lingularia notialis, Lingularia polaris, Lingularia smirnovae, Lingularia squamiformis, Lingularia tenuissima, Lingularia yini
Type specimen: CGM 221/103, a shell. Its type locality is Paris Bay, Russkiy Island, which is in a Griesbachian marine horizon in the Russian Federation.
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
• Triassic of China (7 collections), Greenland (7), Pakistan (3), the Russian Federation (9), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (9), United States (18: Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming)
• Permian of China (1), Pakistan (2)
Total: 56 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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