Custodela acutula Wunderlich 2004 (money spider/sheet weaver)

Arachnida - Araneae - Linyphiidae

Full reference: J. Wunderlich. 2004. The fossil spiders of the family Linyphiidae in Baltic and Dominican amber (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Beiträge zur Araneologie 3:1298-1373

Belongs to Custodela according to J. Wunderlich 2004

Sister taxa: Custodela acuta, Custodela bispina, Custodela bispinosa, Custodela cheiracantha, Custodela clava, Custodela curva, Custodela curvata, Custodela divergens, Custodela expandens, Custodela falcata, Custodela femurspinosa, Custodela henningseni, Custodela kochi, Custodela lamellata, Custodela lanx, Custodela oblonga, Custodela obtusa, Custodela parva, Custodela pseudokochi, Custodela stridulans, Custodela tenuipes, Custodela tibialis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Bitterfeld amber (Kutscher Gottingen collection), which is in a Priabonian terrestrial amber in Germany


Distribution: found only at Bitterfeld amber (Kutscher Gottingen collection)

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