Arachnida - Araneae - Linyphiidae
Synonym: Obnisus Petrunkevitch 1942
Full reference: A. Petrunkevitch. 1942. A study of amber spiders. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 34:119-464
Parent taxon: Linyphiidae according to J. A. Dunlop et al. 2013
Sister taxa: Agynetiphantes, Ceratinopsis, Cnephalocotes, Custodelela, Eolabulla, Eophantes, Erigone, Floricomus, Gonatium, Hypselistes, Linyphia, Linyphiinae, Madagascarphantes, Malepellis, Meioneta, Micryphantes, Mystagogus, Palaeophantes, Paralabulla, Pocadicnemis, Savignia, Selenyphantes, Succineta, Succiphantes, Toschia
Subtaxa: Custodela acuta Custodela acutula Custodela bispina Custodela bispinosa Custodela cheiracantha Custodela clava Custodela curva Custodela curvata Custodela divergens Custodela expandens Custodela falcata Custodela femurspinosa Custodela henningseni Custodela kochi Custodela lamellata Custodela lanx Custodela oblonga Custodela obtusa Custodela parva Custodela pseudokochi Custodela stridulans Custodela tenuipes Custodela tibialis
• Eocene of Denmark (1 collection), Germany (2), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (5)
Total: 10 collections including 31 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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