†family Devonotarbidae Poschmann and Dunlop 2012 (phalangiotarbid)
Arachnida - Phalangiotarbida - Devonotarbidae
Full reference: M. Poschmann and J. A. Dunlop. 2012. Reassessing Devonotarbus, a phalangiotarbid arachnid from the Lower Devonian (Siegenian and Emsian) of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (SW Germany). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 86:377-387
Parent taxon: Phalangiotarbida according to J. A. Dunlop et al. 2013
See also Poschmann and Dunlop 2012
Sister taxa: Anthracotarbidae, Architarbidae, Eotarbus, Eotarbus litoralis, Heterotarbidae, Opiliotarbidae, Protopilio depressus
Subtaxa: Devonotarbus
Type: Devonotarbus
• Devonian of Germany (6 collections)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence