Subfamily Tachyporinae MacLeay 1825 (rove beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Staphylinidae

Parent taxon: Staphylinidae according to S. Yamamoto 2024

See also Bouchard et al. 2011, Cai et al. 2022, Grebennikov and Newton 2012, Hatch 1957, Herman 2001, Jenkins Shaw et al. 2024, Lawrence and Newton 1995, Ryvkin 1990, Yamamoto 2016, Yamamoto 2016 and Yamamoto 2021

Sister taxa: Miosilpha, Silphinae, Nicrophorinae, Heterosilpha

Subtaxa: Abscondus Acylophorus immotus Tachinusini Tachyporini Tachyporoides Vatesini

View classification

Type: Tachyporus



• Quaternary of Canada (1: British Columbia collection), Greenland (5), the Russian Federation (16), the United Kingdom (7), United States (17: Alaska, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Wisconsin)

• Pliocene of Germany (1)

• Miocene of the Dominican Republic (1), the Russian Federation (1)

• Oligocene of Germany (1)

• Eocene of Germany (1), Poland (2), United States (5: Colorado)

• Cretaceous of China (2), Myanmar (2), the Russian Federation (2), United States (1: New Jersey)

• Jurassic of Australia (1), Kazakhstan (4)

Total: 70 collections including 97 occurrences

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