†family Lygobiidae Mitchell 1908 (cockroach)

Insecta - Blattaria - Lygobiidae

Alternative spelling: Lygobidae

Full reference: E. G. Mitchell. 1908. An apparently new protoblattid family from the Lower Cretaceous. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 52:85-86

Parent taxon: Blattaria according to A. Handlirsch 1939

See also Mitchell 1908

Sister taxa: Barona, Blattariae kliveri, Blattariae reisi, Caloblattinoidea, Cratovitismidae, Irreblatta, Mesoblattinoidea, Petroblattina, Phyllodromiidae, Polyphagoidea

Subtaxa: Lygobius

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Type: Lygobius


Distribution: found only at Meriditt mine, 6 miles southwest of Geyser (Cretaceous of Montana)

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