Aves - Gruiformes - Rallidae
Full reference: S. L. Olson and D. B. Wingate. 2001. A new species of large flightless rail of the Rallus longirostris/elegans complex (Aves: Rallidae) from the late Pleistocene of Bermuda. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 114(2):509-516
Belongs to Rallus according to S. L. Olson and D. B. Wingate 2001
Sister taxa: Rallus aquaticus, Rallus cyanocavi, Rallus elegans, Rallus ibycus, Rallus limicola, Rallus longirostris, Rallus natator, Rallus phillipsi, Rallus prenticei, Rallus richmondi, Rallus sumiderensis, Rallus virginianus
Type specimen: UF/PB 5108, a skull. Its type locality is Rail Cave, Government Quarry, which is in a Pleistocene fissure fill siliciclastic in Bermuda.
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
Distribution: found only at Rail Cave, Government Quarry
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