Pericosmus borraeus Henderson 1975 (heart urchin)

Echinoidea - Spatangoida - Paleopneustidae

Full reference: R. A. Henderson. 1975. Cenozoic Spatangoid Echinoids from New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin 46:1-129

Belongs to Pericosmus according to R. A. Henderson 1975

Sister taxa: Pericosmus (Pericosmus), Pericosmus (Victoriaster), Pericosmus aguayoi, Pericosmus altus, Pericosmus annosus, Pericosmus artemisae, Pericosmus atolladosae, Pericosmus blanquizalensis, Pericosmus camagueyanus, Pericosmus crawfordi, Pericosmus cubanus, Pericosmus israelskyi, Pericosmus latus, Pericosmus mortenseni, Pericosmus roigi, Pericosmus scaevus, Pericosmus valenzuelai, Pericosmus zanolettii

Type specimen: E.315, a test

Ecology: slow-moving shallow infaunal deposit feeder-detritivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Pericosmus borraeus in the database

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