Lyristes Horvath 1926 (cicada)

Insecta - Hemiptera - Cicadidae

Synonym: Tibicen Latreille 1825 [replaced name]

Parent taxon: Cryptotympanini according to M. S. Moulds 2018

See also Hill et al. 2015, Kinugasa and Miyatake 1976, Marshall et al. 2018, Riou 1995 and Sanborn 2014

Sister taxa: Camuracicada, Hadoa, Chremistica, Cryptotympana, Psaltoda, Cryptotympanina, Tymocicada, Auritibicen

Subtaxa: Lyristes emathion Lyristes renei

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• Miocene of France (1 collection), Germany (1)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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