Trilobita - Phacopida - Calymenidae
Parent taxon: Calymenidae according to A. W. Owen and D. L. Bruton 1980
See also Siveter 1977
Sister taxa: Calymenesum, Calymeninae, Carmoninae, Flexicalymeninae, Gravicalymene, Linguocalymene, Liocalymene, Neseuretus, Nipponocalymene, Onnicalymene, Papillicalymene, Platycalymene, Pradoella, Protocalymene, Reacalymene, Reedocalymene, Reedocalymeninae, Salterocoryphe, Spathacalymene, Tapinocalymene
Subtaxa: Prionocheilus Xuanenia
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
• Dobrotivian of France (2 collections), Morocco (1), Portugal (3), Spain (10)
• Letna of the Czech Republic (2)
• Fennian of France (1)
• Arenig of France (1), Morocco (2), Spain (1)
• Ordovician of Algeria (1), Belgium (1), Canada (1: Quebec), China (6), the Czech Republic (8), France (4), Latvia (2), Morocco (3), Norway (18), Portugal (2), the Russian Federation (3), Spain (5), Sweden (14), the United Kingdom (6)
• Tremadoc of Spain (2)
Total: 99 collections including 105 occurrences