Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Hesperorthidae
Alternative combinations: Orthis (Dalmanella) rankini, Orthis rankini
Belongs to Dolerorthis according to Y. Candela and D. A. T. Harper 2014
See also Reed 1917 and Williams 1962
Sister taxa: Dolerorthis duftonensis, Dolerorthis flabellites, Dolerorthis inaequicostata, Dolerorthis intercostata, Dolerorthis interplicata, Dolerorthis multicostellata, Dolerorthis nadruvensis, Dolerorthis plicata, Dolerorthis praeclara, Dolerorthis pristina, Dolerorthis psygma, Dolerorthis rustica, Dolerorthis savagei, Dolerorthis sowerbyana, Dolerorthis sowerbyiana, Munhella cummingi
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of the United Kingdom (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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