Insecta - Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Full reference: H. F. Wickham. 1917. Some fossil beetles from the Sangamon peat. The American Journal of Science, Fourth Series 44:137-145
Belongs to Agabus according to A. N. Nilsson 2001
See also Wickham 1917
Sister taxa: Agabus (Acatodes), Agabus (Agabus), Agabus (Gaurodytes), Agabus charon, Agabus congeneroides, Agabus corticeus, Agabus florissantensis, Agabus hochi, Agabus latissimus, Agabus lithax, Agabus niedzwiedzkii, Agabus parvulus, Agabus perditus, Agabus praelugens, Agabus rathbuni, Agabus reductus, Agabus reitteri, Agabus rottensis, Agabus ungeri
Type specimen: Its type locality is Sangamon river near Mahomet, which is in a Pleistocene terrestrial peat in Illinois
Distribution: found only at Sangamon river near Mahomet
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