Holothuroidea - Apodida - Myriotrochidae
Full reference: D. L. Frizzell and H. Exline. 1955. Monograph of fossil holothurian sclerites. Bulletin of the Missouri University School of Metallurgy and Mines, Technical series 89:1-204
Parent taxon: Myriotrochidae according to P. M. Gilliland 1993
See also Deflandre-Rigaud 1962, Frizzell and Exline 1955, Frizzell and Exline 1966, Kozur and Mostler 1971, Mostler 1971, Mostler 1972, Sepkoski 2002, Soodan 1986, Soodan 1991, Speckmann 1968 and Zawidzka 1971
Sister taxa: Gagesiniotrochus, Hemisphaeranthos, Paleochiridotidae, Thalattocanthus, Trematrochus
Subtaxa: Acanthotheelia angustiperforata Acanthotheelia anisica Acanthotheelia diffissa Acanthotheelia helios Acanthotheelia ladinica Acanthotheelia pseudospinosa Acanthotheelia pulchra Acanthotheelia rhaetica Acanthotheelia spinosa Acanthotheelia triassica Acanthotheelia veghae
Type: Acanthotheelia spinosa
Ecology: epifaunal detritivore
• Triassic of Austria (2 collections), China (1), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Iran (1), Italy (6), Poland (1), Slovakia (5), Slovenia (1)
Total: 19 collections including 27 occurrences
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