†family Lithuanicoccidae Koteja 2008 (scale insect)

Insecta - Hemiptera - Lithuanicoccidae

Full reference: J. Koteja. 2008. Xylococcidae and related groups (Hemiptera: Coccinea) from Baltic amber. Prace Muzeum Ziemi 49:19-56

Parent taxon: Coccoidea according to I. M. Vea and D. A. Grimaldi 2015

See also Koteja 2008 and Szwedo 2018

Sister taxa: Adocimycolidae, Alacrena, Apticoccidae, Arnoldidae, Burmacoccidae, Coelostomidiidae, Electrococcidae, Grimaldiellidae, Grohnidae, Jersicoccidae, Kozariidae, Kukaspididae, Kuwaniidae, Labiococcidae, Lebanococcidae, Macrodrilidae, Magnilens, Margarodidae, Matsucoccidae, Monophlebidae, Ortheziidae, Pedicellicoccus, Pennygullaniidae, Pityococcidae, Putoidae, Xiphos, Hammanococcidae

Subtaxa: Lithuanicoccus

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Type: Lithuanicoccus



• Eocene of Germany (1 collection), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (2)

Total: 4 collections including 7 occurrences

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