Theelia Schlumberger 1890 (sea cucumber)

Holothuroidea - Apodida - Chiridotidae

Full reference: C. Schlumberger. 1890. Seconde note sur les holothuridées du Calcaire Grossier. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 18(3):191-206

Parent taxon: Chiridotidae according to M. Reich and F. Wiese 2010

See also Deflandre-Rigaud 1957, Frizzell and Exline 1966, Garbowska and Wierzbowski 1967, Gilliland 1992, Gilliland 1993, Górka and Luszczewska 1969, Henderson et al. 1992, Kozur and Mostler 1971, Kozur and Mostler 1989, Kozur and Sadeddin 1990, Krainer and Mostler 1997, Kristan-Tollmann 1972, Mostler 1971, Mostler 1972, Mostler and Parwin 1973, Mostler and Rahimi-Yazd 1976, Said and Barakat 1958, Schlumberger 1890, Sepkoski 2002, Soodan 1991, Soodan and Whatley 1988, Speckmann 1968, Summerson and Campbell 1958 and Zawidzka 1971

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Theelia alta Theelia alveata Theelia anguinea Theelia conglobata Theelia convexa Theelia crassidentata Theelia dentata Theelia doreckae Theelia dzhulfaensis Theelia fastigata Theelia fissa Theelia florida Theelia guembeli Theelia hexacneme Theelia immissorbicula Theelia koeveskalensis Theelia kutscheri Theelia lata Theelia latimarginata Theelia liassica Theelia liptovskaensis Theelia loferensis Theelia mesopermiana Theelia monicae Theelia mortenseni Theelia multiplex Theelia multiundulata Theelia norica Theelia petasiformis Theelia planata Theelia polydenticulata Theelia praeacuta Theelia praenorica Theelia praeseniradiata Theelia pseudoplanata Theelia seniradiata Theelia serta Theelia sinaiensis Theelia speciosa Theelia staurolithensis Theelia stellifera Theelia synapta Theelia teneromarginata Theelia trammeri Theelia undata Theelia undulata Theelia variabilis Theelia wartensis Theelia zawidzkae

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Type: Chirodota undulata

Ecology: epifaunal detritivore


• Eocene of France (1 collection)

• Cretaceous of Austria (1), Jordan (1), Poland (1)

• Jurassic of Austria (2), Egypt (2), France (3), Jordan (2), Poland (23), Switzerland (1), the United Kingdom (9)

• Triassic of Austria (9), China (1), Germany (2), Hungary (3), India (1), Italy (8), Poland (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Slovakia (12), Slovenia (1), Thailand (1), Turkey (5)

• Permian of Hungary (1), Iran (1), Italy (1)

• Carboniferous of United States (1: Kentucky)

Total: 95 collections including 187 occurrences

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