†Australaster Schuchert 1914 (sea star)
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Asteroidea - Hadrosida - Palaeasteridae
Full reference: C. Schuchert. 1914. Fossilium Catalogus. 1: Animalia, pars 3, Stelleroidea palaeozoica. W. Junk, Berlin 1-53
Parent taxon: Palaeasteridae according to W. K. Spencer and C. W. Wright 1966
See also Schuchert 1914, Schuchert 1915 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Archasterina, Argaster, Baliactis, Eostella, Eriaster, Gordonaster, Kyraster, Leioactis, Neopalaeaster, Palaeactis, Palaeaster, Sertulaster
Subtaxa: Australaster giganteus Australaster stutchburii
Type: Palaeaster (Monaster) giganteus
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
Distribution: found only at Ravensfield Quarry, near Farley (MM collection) (Permian of Australia)
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