†family Palaeasteridae Miller 1889 (sea star)
Asteroidea - Hadrosida - Palaeasteridae
Full reference: S. A. Miller. 1889. North American geology and palaeontology for the use of amateurs, students and scientists 1-664
Parent taxon: Hadrosida according to D. B. Blake 2018
See also Blake 1989, Blake and Koniecki 2019, Owen 1965, Schuchert 1915 and Spencer and Wright 1966
Sister taxa: Aulacolatiaster, Fandasteridae, Hudsonasteridae, Miomaster, Pleiadeaster, Promopalaeasteridae, Spaniaster, Urasterellidae, Xenasteridae
Subtaxa: Archasterina Argaster Australaster Baliactis Eostella Eriaster Gordonaster Kyraster Leioactis Neopalaeaster Palaeactis Palaeaster Sertulaster
Type: Palaeaster
Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore