Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Scaphitidae
Alternative combination: Ammonites indicus
Full reference: E. Forbes. 1846. Report on the fossil invertebrata from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Series 2 7:97-174
Belongs to Hoploscaphites according to W. J. Kennedy and R. A. Henderson 1992
See also Forbes 1846
Sister taxa: Hoploscaphites (Tovebirkelundites), Hoploscaphites angmartussutensis, Hoploscaphites birkelundae, Hoploscaphites brevis, Hoploscaphites comprimus, Hoploscaphites constrictus, Hoploscaphites landesi, Hoploscaphites melloi, Hoploscaphites nicolletii, Hoploscaphites nicolletti, Hoploscaphites nodosus, Hoploscaphites pumilus, Hoploscaphites quiriquinensis, Hoploscaphites sargklofak, Hoploscaphites tenuistriatus, Hoploscaphites vistulensis, Scaphites (Hoploscaphites) gilli, Scaphites (Hoploscaphites) groenlandicus, Scaphites (Hoploscaphites) ikorfatensis, Scaphites (Hoploscaphites) ravni
Type specimen: Its type locality is Pondicherry, which is in a Maastrichtian marine sandstone/claystone in the Valudavur Formation of India
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Distribution: found only at Pondicherry
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