Polyodontobaena belgica Folie et al. 2013 (worm lizard)

Reptilia - Squamata - Polyodontobaenidae

Full reference: A. Folie, R. Smith, and T. Smith. 2013. New amphisbaenian lizards from the Early Paleogene of Europe and their implications for the early evolution of modern amphisbaenians. Geologica Belgica 16(4):227-235

Belongs to Polyodontobaena according to A. Folie et al. 2013

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: IRSNB R 283 (HA 605), a mandible (Nearly complete left dentary). Its type locality is Hainin well vertebrate fauna, which is in a Danian lacustrine claystone in the Hainin Formation of Belgium.

Ecology: fossorial insectivore

Distribution: found only at Hainin well vertebrate fauna

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